Paddling up the Puhoi...not what you think!


This weekend my fiancé (soon to be husband, 12 days and counting!) and I paddled up the Puhoi River to have lunch at a kiwi-famous pub. Paddling from the wide sea mouth to the narrow reaches was an amazing 'switch off' from the ginormous week I had. And just what I needed to refuel the brain for this week ahead.

You see last week I hosted the first Money Mornings event, here in Auckland. I presented two sessions to 21 action taking female entrepreneurs, all about how to bring more money in to their businesses. While Lynda Moore from the Money Mentalist presented the concepts of how to see you money and value yourself. 

It was an amazing morning where the vibe was so up lifting and energetic I thought we might burst the windows. Everyone left feeling transformed, these are the ladies to watch in the near future!

Money Mornings - 15Feb17 - 5.jpg

Post event it made me realise just how aligned these events are with why I coach female entrepreneurs. The goal for most woman in business is to have consistent money coming in, tohave everything they desire in life, on their own terms.

Sales is something that if you own your own business, you need to be able to access your own sales before outsourcing. Sales is the key to your freedom, the key to being able to do what you want to do on your terms and time frame. 

So why am I so passionate about sales ? 

Money has been on my mind since I was 5-years old. Most children don't have to think about it, but I was forced to. I remember hiding in the bathroom as our house was repossessed. Someone was banging on the door trying to serve my father papers; after that everything changed. 

From that moment on, I realized a few things about money: I never wanted to be in this place again, I wanted to make my own money, I wanted to be able to live the life that I wanted, and I wasn't going to repeat my family patterns. 

As I grew up, I was reminded of that lesson again; the rollercoaster of money seemed to never end. I wanted to be able to depend on it and have stability and freedom in my life, but it seemed to be fleeting and I never knew what was around the corner. 

Again, when I graduated from University, and got into the real world I found myself focused on money again. This time from a positive place in a sales role. 

Sales lit something underneath me. It spoke to that little girl who wanted to have a positive relationship with money, to not be in fear mode and to finally break free. 

It also spoke to the achievement and driven side of me. It was some of the best days of my life, from 6-star resorts during conferences and travels to designing my own cars. Meeting exciting people and changing lives was the best part. 

What I've realized from 15 years in sales and numerous sales awards that making money isn't difficult and there's more than enough for everyone. Trust me, that's not something I believed when my dad defaulted on my school payments or I was up to my eyeballs in debt, but it's true. 

Now my mission in life is to support women like you in knowing there's a different way. You can run the business of your dreams, convert cold traffic into clients and not feel nervous or sleazy when you get on a sales call and be comfortable talking about money. 

If I can, you can too. 


P.S. Want to see a few more pics of Money Mornings? 
Full album here >>

Special thanks to Jade Thorby for capturing the day.

Big Love


It is the day of LOVE and I wanted to share with you some love xx

If we haven't met, I am Penny Comins!

I am soon to be Mrs Elliot though! But don't worry I am keeping my wedding planning on track while still helping woman in their sales in their business so that they can bring money in to their business and live the life they desire. 

My fiance drives me mad on a regular basis and I used to worry if getting married was the right decision...hard to admit really. Yet, he loves me running around cheering when clients have success and doesn't shh me. He wants kids...I am this space!


:: I love my granola, yoghurt, berries and black coffee to start the day. Like, I am obsessed with it and started my own Paleo Muesli Company with my best friend. 

:: I'm obsessed with learning and personal development. I'm on a mission to read a book a week and love how I am the custodian of my own learning.

:: Everyday I get outside and sweat, running, swimming, cycling and SUP'ing

:: I love to get my glad-rags on and party hard (booty shaking partying!). The hang overs are lasting too long now though (old age!) so the big nights out are few and far between now!

:: I have been to 56 countries and LOVE travelling. I love the history, different food and the silence on the plane to read. 

:: I want a puppy soo bad. I often yell out 'DOGGGIIIEE' to the cute ones we pass. Poor owners must jump in fright. 

:: I live in Auckland, New Zealand. And no, it's not part of Australia!


:: Present a TedTalk

:: Inspire woman to live life on their terms by having a growing business from their passions. 

:: Be known as the Go-To-Girl for sales success

:: Leave every women with the belief that she can do, be or have whatever she chooses.


:: I've had 15 years of sales experience totalling in $15million of sales.

:: I have invested over $70k in my own development as a coach to be the best in the biz and serve woman on a high level

:: I was the Sales and Marketing Manager in building a biz from $1 - $3M in 1 year!

:: I have been locked in the bathroom with my father at age 5 waiting for the repossessing agents to leave. Gone from being dropped at school in a helicopter to a 20 year old Honda Accord. I have experienced the roller coaster of money and know how to move from lack to abundance.

:: I'm driven by results, pure and simple (both in my biz and fitness). Result-oriented strategies for my clients is what I deliver. One of my clients went from an idea to fully booked in 4 months

Another client doubled their business in 4 weeks of working together.

After excelling in the corporate world I realised that growing other peoples sales was not making me happier. Nor was having to get dressed up everyday, stick to certain hours and have restricted holiday time. I knew it was time to help struggling ladies to grow their businesses and experience mega success too! I've learned that when you know the right steps, you can make anything happen.

Happy Valentines Day!


Joy - not a woman


In my journalling this morning all I could write about was joy. Not what lit me up or what excited me but more joy. As odd as it may sound, joy and what brought me joy, brought a deeper result and showing in to how I want to live my life everyday.

You may have been asked ‘what do you want to do with your life?’, ‘what excites you?’. I know I was and all I could think of was 'making money and showing other woman how to do the same’.

Now while that is a grand idea (and the crux of what I do) it wasn’t until I dug in to what I really enjoyed doing before it all became clear. 

What excites you?

Easy right? 

A new Audi

A holiday abroad

A swanky new house

More time to relax

To work with fun people

All these are great yet how do you get to those things? This is where focusing on what brings you joy comes in. Joy is the journey. Joy is the day to days that make the exciting end results fun everyday. Joy is the little things, like seeing the sun or creating content that makes it simple for others.

Here is a few on my list of joy this morning-

Joy is having an empty inbox
Joy is feeling excited about the content I am putting out there
Joy is creating time to get my to-do-list done
Joy is being able to relax
Joy is feeling valued
Joy is feeling loved
Joy is making money doing what is easy to me AND enjoyable
Joy is loosing weight
Joy is reading and learning
Joy is being in Scott’s arms
Joy is the ocean
Joy is a good poo
Joy is writing and creating
Joy is knowing the path
Joy is feeling in control
Joy is seeing clients flourish
Joy is unexpected mail
Joy is seeing my bank balance grow daily
Joy is cracking a new IT system
Joy is a new pen
Joy is the Universe and it’s support and lessons
Joy is seeing someone joining your community
Joy is seeing discovery calls being booked
Joy is coffee and shits’n’giggles with friends
Joy is the sun

What brings you joy ?

Now, how are you going to implement more joy everyday? 

What needs to go to make room for more joy? 

Let me know with a reply email.

Much love (and joy),

Penny sign off no padding.png

P.S. Reading not your thing? Here is the Live I did in my complimentary Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs Facebook Group

Why poxy prices attract poxy clients


It's been another long weekend of sunshine here in New Zealand and I am loving being outdoors in the elements. 

I'll tell you another thing that I have been loving and that is working with my current clients. I have loved seeing them understand their value and raise their prices to their correct worth.  

Amazingly (well not really as it makes sense, but does feel like magic) they are attracting super enthusiastic clients that are in turn getting ground breaking results.  

You see when you put out the right energy to the Universe you reciprocate that back. 

Think about when you go out for lunch with a friend and they are bubbly and excited to talk about what is happening and enthusiastically listening to you. You're at the same vibe and leave feeling elevated. 

Now think about that lunch again but your friend is moaning about her husband, moaning about her job, moaning about her weight, oh, and then the bill. Yep, you leave feeling fairly deflated right?

Now apply this to your client attraction thoughts and actions. 

If you want to work with amazing clients then you have to be your amazing self . And you need to charge amazing prices so your clients are invested in you, themselves and your program.  

Selling yourself short is a form of 'moaning'. It is sending out a low energy offering that is only attracting a low energy person. 

You might be thinking - But how Penny? It's alright for you because you're established.  

Well I have an exercise to help you know what your pricing limit is without feeling unauthentic. (I'm not proclaiming this to be mine either, Denise Duffield Thomas uses this with her clients too.)

Think of what you charge now .

Then think about doubling it. How does it feel? 

Now double it again. How does that feel? 

Keep doing this until you think eeeeekk Penny, that is ENOUGH. 

Now, peg it just underneath that amount and go for it! This is your new level of energy to attract the right client. You've got it  

Go forth and attract amazing clients!


P.S. Want to know more about how to get those sales in to your biz?  Head over to the Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs Facebook group and become an insider. 

Can’t be arsed ‘really’ going for it?


Do you ever think ‘I’d love to do that but (insert excuse - I am too small, tired, old, broke)? Well, getting back in to running has a timely reminder that to get to the big goals it is usually fairly ugly in the begining. I was running on the Sir Edmund Hillary Trail last weekend and had every excuse under the sun. I was hot, sweaty, it was hilly, my legs were screaming and my head longed for the couch. 

You see , it has been a while (let’s be honest, about a year) since I was out on the trails running and I was suffering. Yet, I have entered a monster race at the end of March AND it is in a team, so I can’t let the other person down. 

I have to put the training in, so I can make the distance on the day. The fear of failing myself and my partner is driving me to put the miles in and ultimately have a friggin awesome day! (Reads - Giving myself the best possible chance of Success).

How many times have you set a goal that scared the life out of you? Something that has made you think ‘I have to do XYZ to make this work!’? 

Maybe you haven’t been sure how you will get to that place so you haven’t taken the risk. And now that goals gnaws away at you.

I get it. I have my unfinished book. I have my group program to write and launch. I have the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc Ultra Marathon to complete. 

And yes, I loose sleep over those un-attempted goals too. 

Then there is the failure of going for the big goal and not getting there. 

All these excuses keep you stuck and not moving forward on your true desires. Instead take action,  enter the race, hire the business coach, join the art class, start that business idea, say you I love you to that person. What ever it is that scares you (yep, those really BIG goals) and take the first step. 

Then set out a path of baby steps to reach that goal. Just like me pounding the trails of the Hillary Trail thinking my legs might drop off, I made a start on the training path. And while I might have walked like a penguin for three days after I am now feeling stronger and next weekend plan on going longer and a bit faster. 

One of my favourite sayings is - 

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 

So find you elephant and then take one bite at a time.

You’ve got this!


Back to work Blues


If you are anything like me you have come back to work with a bit of a thud. Even though I own my business and it is totally aligned with my passions and strengths I still felt a bit blurgh on Monday this week.

You see, I had a fantastic 3 weeks in Canada being outdoors so coming back to inside and using my brain took a bit of a shift. Sound familiar ?

Putting my sports physiology head on and transferring that to biz skills I was out of my funk in a matter of minutes. Yep, no wallowing in PJ’s around the house all day for me. 

Want to know how? Click here >>

Happy New Year!


Random acts of kindness are not just for Christmas time


My fiancé and I have spent two awesome days in San Francisco seeing all the sights. I think I nearly wore him out fitting everything in to a very tight schedule. In fact he was hobbling by the end of the two days; but that is another story.

While cycling over the Golden Gate Bridge and touring Alcatraz was interesting. The thing that shocked me the most about San Fran was the amount of homeless people. They were everywhere, including in the shops and cafes. 

On our way to Strava head office (it had to be done!) we stopped for a take away coffee to keep us warm.

A very smelly and incoherent man stumbled up to a patron begging for a coffee; she said no. When he asked my fiancé he gave him his and simply brought himself another one. I was brimming with pride at how giving my man was (mushy alert). 

As we walked down the street I realised just how fortunate we were and how I loved that Christmas was such a great time of selfless and giving. 

Then it hit me like the trams thundering down the road; why do we have to wait until Christmas to be giving? What can we do every day, week and month to be more giving? 

I wanted to pose this question to you while you wind down (or up if you haven't done your shopping!) to Christmas and time with your family and loved ones. What changes can you make in your personal life and business to be more giving next year? 

How can you have an abundance mindset and give freely? 

What do you need to let go of to achieve this giving abundance spirit? 

I would love to hear your ideas in a reply email.

Much love and Happy Holidays!


P.S. I had a previous client reveal to me that she had a record week - $17k in one week. Imagine what you could give back if you were making that kind of money in your biz every week?

Ten Tips to slow down...


Coming into the Christmas Season one starts to wonder just how you fit everything in. There is the tree to decorate, presents to buy (and then wrap), a function every night and then the big day itself. It can be very easy to forget about your health, both in your body and your soul. 

I know I have felt totally overwhelmed with my To Do List before we head to Canada. Sunday afternoon I lay on the couch to close my eyes for a minute, have some calm time, and woke up two hours later! As my mother would say, ‘You must have needed it’. I then got up and cracked on with so many task, it was like I was in a Power-Hour.

Yet, it seems so counter-intuitive to slow down to be able to go faster right ? I totally get you. If you have 400 things on your list to do and Santa won’t postpone Christmas Day just because you are unorganised then how do you find and make time to slow down? And why should you?

Well, slowing down and taking time to meditate or switch off gives the mind time to heal, catch up and make fresh decisions.Your accuracy and focus increases with a rested mind. 

You can also hear your intuitive voice clearer, you know the one that says ‘go for it’ yet you don’t. Or when you drop something when you are rushing, ending up taking longer, and you think ‘I knew that would happen.’ Yep, we have all been there. 

So, to support you  in this busy time I have constructed, a list of mini-slow downs to fit in to your day. Pick two, commit to them each day leading up to Christmas and see how your efficiency improves over the day. You will feel calmer and more energised to tackle the malls, send out those invoices, book clients in and keep the turkey cooking.

  1. Make a cup of herbal tea, sit on the couch and drink it without looking at any technology or reading materials. Total switch off.
  2. Meditate for 5 minutes with your eyes closed. Not good at meditating? Neither am I. My coach said to pick a calming word and repeat it over and over again. The word might be release, calm, strong, happy or love. You choose.
  3. Go for a walk after dinner with no technology. Just stroll, take in the Christmas lights. Again, 10 minutes is enough.  
  4. List off 5 things you are grateful for before your feet touch the ground in the morning getting out of bed
  5. Stand on one leg for 90 seconds and then swap to the other leg (try this, sounds bonkers, it’s really good)
  6. Read a pleasure book (non biz related) for 10 minutes
  7. Doodle a pretty picture for 5 minutes
  8. Hug someone for 30 seconds or more
  9. Drink a pint of water in 15 seperate gulps
  10. Write an email back to me saying which ones were your favourite

We always make it through each year; this time arrive at Christmas Day fresh and feeling fab. 

You have got this!


P.S. If you didn’t catch the free training I did in my Calls to Clients Webinar here is the link to watch it. 

Link to replay >>

Winning and Words


This weekend I won my age group in an Olympic Distance triathlon; the first time in 11 years of racing. I was (and still am) so pumped about it.

I’m not sharing this with you to show off, more I wanted to show you the power if the mind. I have always said that ‘the body will go where the mind takes it’ and yesterday was no exception. Usually on the start line I talk myself down in my own head and then spend the rest of the race thinking about the excuse post I will put on Facebook after the race to explain what went ‘wrong’.

After working with my two one-on-one coaches I now know in business this is called fear. I am fearful of success and then how will I better that next time. So it’s easier to do average to poor and not put the pressure on yourself next time to live up to the previous success. Sound familiar ?

I have a running commentary of excuses through my mind

  • I’m happy just to finish 
  • This isn't my distance
  • I've not done enough training
  • It's the beginning of the season
  • This is just a training day
  • ….blah blah blah…

And then I think about what excuse I will put on my Facebook feed about the race..

Yesterday I kept my mind present and chanted my words FIT, FAST AND STRONG over and over AND OVER. I never let another word come in to my head.

Biz thoughts tried to creep in to my mind, as did what I wanted to get done in the rest of the day, same with those pesky performance thoughts. I kept thinking of what my High Performance coach said ‘be present in what makes you happy’. Chanting in my head and being totally present, I passed three girls in the last kilometre. I was shocked at prize giving to be called to the top of the podium. 

Now how does my triathlon pertain to you and your business? 

It is a clear, quick way to show you how powerful your mind is and what you can do when you take control of your thoughts. So what thoughts are you going to squash today ? 

Those pesky ones like ‘will anyone want to buy from me’, ‘when will someone book a discovery call with me’ or ‘why isn’t this working for me?’.

What thoughts or words are you going to chant in your head while working away today?

Here are my favourites - 

  • I have signed 5 clients this month
  • Five figure months are my new normal
  • Success comes to me easily
  • I am fully booked
  • I am ready to receive; in abundance.

And my all time favourite - I have the power to be successful.

And you know what ? You do have the power to be successful. It is all in your mind so go for it!

Big hugs (watch the medal ;) ),


Finishing the year strong


As the silly season is about to start you might be starting to think about the Christmas Gift List and how many parties you need to go to. It certainly is a time that tests your energies. I know I have a list a mile long and not really sure how I will fit it all in before flying to Canada to go skiing for three weeks. 

Sales can feel a bit like the energy zapping Christmas season; constantly having to market yourself and follow up on leads. It can seem complicated and draining on your time. I mean who wants to write a sales funnel really? You need to have a lot of energy for it all!

One of my favourite sayings (and something I put in the front of all my meeting journals) is - 

Yes, you do need to be innovative, be visible and follow up. But it doesn't need to be hard. In fact it can be really enjoyable. It was only while I was out running yesterday along side the thundering Huka Falls that I thought how easy sales had made my life. 

By mastering the art of sales I have traveled the world, had lovely cars, eaten at 3-Michelin Star restaurants AND had more time to do what I love - being in the outdoors. 

I want this for you too . To be awesome at the sales part of your business so you can have more time to do what you love. As the year comes to an end I want you to finish strong so you can start 2017 on a positive note; both in your confidence and your bank account.

All anyone needs to be amazing at sales is a bit of support and the know-how. So, I have designed free coaching for the next 5 days for you to develop your own authentic sales style to convert calls to clients. The SUPER technique has come from my 15 years of sales and been an integral part of my sales of Lindor Balls to enterprise cloud based solutions. The five steps to SUPER are easy to develop and apply. 

All for free - consider it an early Christmas present from me to kick the season off. 

I want you to feel supported and able to tick off 2016 as an amazing year. Join me in my closed Facebook Group - Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs each day for the live training and a few give aways…but that is between you and me!

Set yourself up for a strong end to 2016.

See you in there!


P.S. Sales might seem complicated and in the 'too-hard' basket. But if you are in business then you are in sales. Come and be a superhero. 

What shock does it take to get you to take action?


I had a mixed weekend if I am honest with you Penny and wanted to share with you why. I was outside my house at 5am on Saturday morning, not even the sun had taken off her PJ’s at this time; two friends and I were driving to the first of the Ocean Swim Series. The season was kicking off at Mount Maunganui (3 hours away), where we would swim around two islands.


The water is so clear you can see the crabs at the bottom and jelly fish pulsing along. While navigating the islands, 900 other people and the jelly fish I had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. And oddly it was to me; for always putting myself out there. I rarely waiver in my decisions and have a ‘give it a go attitude’. I mean, really Penny you are probably thinking I am mad to go in 15 degree water, loaded with stinging jelly fish and 3,600 legs and arms bashing around me. And if I had really thought about it I would have to agree with you.

As we were leaving the event it became apparent that one swimmer was unaccounted for. He was found and pronounced dead on the beach. 


Now, I don’t want to this to be a downer email. After the shock, it reiterated to me that I am so proud of myself for really going for my dreams everyday. Right from completing 18 Ironman's to closing $250,000 deals. I have always just gone for the top.


I did a Facebook Live (watch here) about ‘What shock does it take for you to take action’, based on the recent earthquakes here in New Zealand. And this drowning was another example of a shock in life that then sends people on a chain of action events realising that there is no time to be unhappy with life. 


Maybe you have had a health scare or a loved one die or a natural disaster that has made you think ‘stuff this, I am making the most of my life’ and taken action. 


Or maybe you haven’t and think ‘I’ll take up the piano next year’ or ‘I’ll make more money in 2017’.


I am here to tell you Penny not to wait for the shock and take action everyday to head towards your dreams. 


You have the power within you to be successful and make your dreams a reality. 


All you need to do is dream big enough, yep, the ones of gigantic jelly fish proportions, and then set tangible steps to achieving them. 


Then, and this is the important part, stick to it each and everyday to hit those tiny steps. Before you know it something you thought was miles out of reach and only a dream will be right in your hand. 


A great example is weight loss. You want to loose 5 pounds yet you know you need to loose it evenly and sustainably by increasing exercise and decreasing the sweet treats. Everyday you have to give attention to this in order to hit the big goal of 5 pounds or 3 kilograms. 


It is the same with your dreams or desires. So don’t wait for a shock to drive you in to action. Do it today and start turning your dreams in to reality. 


You have got this!


That Monday morning feeling. It happens to us all. How to fix it.


After an amazing weekend it can feel rather draughting to head back in to a working week. I know that when I worked for the big corporates I used to take a big breath when I left the house. I’d then battle the traffic, quickly clearing my messages at the lights, knowing that a lot of work was needed to be done in the week ahead. 

Now I own my business I don’t have that Monday morning battle. I do still take a deep breath though. And this morning was rather unique. 

You see I woke this morning to news that a 7.5 magnitude earthquake had rocked the South Island of New Zealand during the night. Reading the news that was coming in I felt for the people of the area. It looked scary and I was glad to live out of the fault line zone. 

I had so many messages from friends around the world checking in on me. This really touched my heart. It made me realise how thankful I was to surround myself with amazing woman, all in the entrepreneurial world, that support me not only in business but in my personal life too. 

I have been part of a group for the past six months where we were all learning, growing and developing together; this has brought us together in a unique strong bond. You know what? I am so grateful to have this support network around me. It makes the Monday morning deep breath easier to handle when I know that I can reach out to any of them and share my fears, my doubts and ask for support. 

It was at our graduation at The Ritz in London last month that I realised having that support network around you is not only about having someone to have a glass of bubbles with (virtually or in the flesh) but is also to support you through the not-so-easy times too. 


It is always easy to find someone to celebrate wins with you. It is almost impossible to find someone to mastermind with you to get out of a funk. Maybe you can relate?

So I ask, who have you got supporting you?

It was through my reaching out for coaching support I made this break through. I can now enjoy Monday’s, and any other big tasks that come along, knowing that I have a fantastic group of colleagues all taking a deep breath to tackle the week ahead. 

I want to encourage you to find this support too so that you can have both the celebrations and the doubt-hugs. Look around you and see who you want to have in your support network. Do you want to emulate them or perhaps have them mentor you. Do you feel you need coaching to get this support? Whatever path you take, make sure you take action. Know you are not meant to do this alone. 

Just like the people in the South Island being evacuated, they will support each other to feel safe and loved. You can do this in your biz and life too. 

I believe in you!


Masterminds - do you need them? Or more WHAT are they?


How amazing do you feel after spending time with your girlfriends? I know I am always full of that loved glow and smiley feeling. (And it's not the glasses of bubbles I have had that makes me feel that way!) I love the camaraderie and how problems of the world can be solved so quickly. This is just how I felt last night after jumping off a call with my awesome mastermind girls.

So why do we struggle away on our businesses on our own? Doesn't that seem crazy? I know when I started my previous businesses I worked away studiously at home. I invested in a mentor and talked to a few business minded mates about my ideas. Yet I was still 'working things out' a lot on my own.

I wondered why progress was so slow and I felt the weight of worry on my shoulders constantly. Do you feel the same ? 

It wasn't until I joined several groups of like minded women that I realised the power of collaboration. Just like the catch up with girlfriends over a wine where we gush about exciting things in our life and get advice on how to deal with the difficult situations. When we mastermind with entrepreneurial woman we get that same glow and action as we do when we spend time with girlfriends. 

So, what exactly is a mastermind? Well, it is not a coffee catch up and a gossip. Here are my tips to have an amazing mastermind group that you will get support and tangible action from -

  • It is important that you surround yourself with high vibrational women that have an abundance and collaborative mindset. 
  • Each woman wants to share and build each other up. 
  • Keep the group tight, no more than four, so you all get a chance to talk and participate.
  • Schedule a regular time that you all commit to. It can be weekly or fortnightly; regularity and commitment is the key.
  • Have an agenda that includes sharing successes, what your immediate goals are and what you need support on. 
  • Keep the personal chit chat to a minimum. Save that for the bubbles catch up!

I get an excited buzz in my stomach thinking about the time I spend with my masterminders. I am equally as excited for their success as I am for mine too. What an awesome feeling right?

So :
Who can you work with to up-level your business? 
Who will take you to the next level? 
Who can you work collaboratively with? 
Who can you be accountable with? 

Take time to answer these questions. AND then take action! 

One of my favourite quotes and is thrown around a lot of recent is -


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
― Jim Rohn

So who are in your circle of five?

Make these five people count and make sure they are supporting your dreams, both in life and your business. 


Stop staring into shop windows


This week I have been in London for the graduation from my business coaching course. It was an utterly amazing day at The Ritz. More on that next week though.

Having lived in London for nine years in the past, on one hand it feels like I have never left, yet on the other hand my life has moved forward so much since. 

A stark reminder of this hit me while I was walking through Putney Exchange, a shopping mall on the High Street where I used live. I always looked in the jewellery shop window and lusted after one particular the Tag Heuer watch.

I always said I would buy it ‘when I got my next job’, or ‘when I got my next promotion’. I left London after nine years of longing for this Tag in the window and never brought it for myself. Why was that? 

Because I didn’t make it a non-negotiable. I had it on my vision board, in my mind and yet no plan to get there. Maybe you can relate . 

Have you been wanting that trip? 
Or that gorgeous necklace? 
Have you been saying ‘one day’?

I can now say stop. Make a plan. Take control of your dreams. And know where you want to go. Once I started to do this the magic started to happen. When I was certain on what I wanted in life and then (this is the important part) made plans to get there I started to get the things I truely desired. 

My tip to you; take a big piece of paper and write down everything that you want in life. All your desires. Circle or highlight (pink is the preferable colour!) what makes you shine or feel scared of. These are the goals that will make your heart sing, be non-negotiable and keep you going. 

Now set out baby steps to get to that goal. I love the great saying my fiancé uses - ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’ What are the steps to take to get to that elephant size goal?

Now take action. Action is the key. 

Stop staring in the window wishing for the watch and get yourself what you truely desire. 

I know love wearing my watch, I even upgraded my dreams to a Rolex. I feel so silly for waiting nine years to have it though. 

Don’t wait, take action now.

You have got this!

Big hugs,


The difference of 2 little minutes...


My eyes have finally stopped looking so puffy! Crying my way around a mountain bike race on Sunday was not my intention. Yet that is what happened and I am not proud of it. 

My fiancé and I were at a mountain bike race in central New Zealand. He had entered me in the 3 hour race. The aim is to complete as many 7 kilometre laps in under 3 hours, most laps in the fastest time wins. Simple right? 

Well, it is not so. There are also the 6 and 12 hour competitors going around the same forested loop; meaning lots of passing and congestion.

My tears came bubbling through my Oakley's when I lost my rag with everyone passing me. I am not the fastest mountain biker, I spend most of my time trying to stay on the easiest path, let alone having to move over and let others by. Being passed constantly for 3 hours was a big hit to my ego. 

This got me thinking about how we often get beaten down in our business and feel like everyone else is passing us. It is easy to see someone putting out a new program and think ‘dam, I need to do that’. Or seeing some attention grabbing Facebook posts making you feel inadequate with yours. My favourite is when someone in the industry has rebranded and you look at your own thinking ‘mine looks so amateur’

Simply put, this is the comparison hangover. We compare ourselves to the others and quickly come to the conclusion that our (insert comparison object or action here) is shit. We beat ourselves up and say we must do better or (insert action that will defiantly happen here). 

I got it into my head that all these people passing me were better than me and I was going to be last and be an embarrassment to myself, my fiancé and our other friends at the event. I got so wound up that I got the tears that you start to choke on, all while still pedalling around the forest, lap after lap. 

And you know what happened in the end? I wasn’t last, in fact I was fourth, only 2 little minutes off a podium third place. How silly am I right? If I had stayed focused on being the best I could in that moment I might have made up those 2 little minutes and got a shiny medal, to stand on the podium on stage and feel super proud. 

So, how can you stop the comparison hangover in your life?

Here is my Top 10 to Combat Comparison list for you to use:

  1. Keep repeating mantra’s when you see something that makes you feel like you are behind where you want to be. e.g. I am on track, I am on track, I am on track.
  2. Know that you are enough no matter what everyone else is doing.
  3. Remind yourself that your path is right for you. 
  4. Give yourself social media mini-breaks throughout the day.
  5. Make a list and actually tick some of it off. i.e. Take Action!
  6. Stop talking about what you are going to do and do it (refer to point 5).
  7. Journal. Pour it all out on paper instead of bitching to your friend. It means you won’t offend anyone while comparing, and you will have much greater clarity.
  8. Reflect on where you have come from in your biz. I bet it is further than you realise.
  9. Celebrate all wins, big or small. Some days this can be as simple as getting out of bed and working on your biz. Celebrate with a coffee and a fist pump.
  10. Keep being constant and persistent each day. You might even make up those 2 minutes and be on the podium yourself.

I know you have got this. 

Here’s to no more puffy eyes!


Travelling gifts for loved ones


I have just got back from nearly three weeks away in Peru and Bolivia. The highlight was all the animals (I hugged a sloth!) and, of course Machu Picchu. I am now in the stages of unpacking bags and giving gifts to loved ones from my travels. I am a sucker for the bright colourful crafts local people make and love to bring some of their work home.

When travelling do you ever wander the shops and spot items that you would like to buy for your loved ones? 
Do you think to yourself 'you should get such-and-such something from this destination’? 
What would they like AND (more pressing) what can you afford? 

I know I do when travelling as it is the only time I slow down, relax and look through shops aimlessly. In the past I often saw things and thought ‘Mum would love that’ and then as fast as the smile appeared on my face it would disappear because I knew I couldn’t afford it. 

I remember going to Venice and seeing her gold and red Murano glass goblet set. I was so excited that they still made the set, 36 years on. I went straight inside the shop to buy the ice bucket to go with her set. I just as quickly turned and walked out when the shop assistant told me the price. Holly heck! The only thing I did do after was ring Mum and tell her to put the set on the insurance!

You see, I used to have this disappointment all the time. I used to berate myself for having such expensive taste. Yet I love to travel, having been to 55 countries now. This year alone I have been to - 

  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • Australia (twice)
  • Samoa
  • Peru and
  • Bolivia. 
  • London and Canada are still to come... 

I always want to buy gifts for loved ones wherever I go. 

It is only now that I have a business that supports my desires (that expensive taste) that I can buy gifts for my family without the worry of the price tag. I can wander and be inspired and keep the smile on my face when I think about how my Mum will open the present. 

It hasn’t taken me long to have this change too. It wasn’t that long ago that I was in my 9-5, counting out holiday days and pennies. I was coaching and writing on the side to make extra cash. I desperately wanted to coach full time yet was told that ‘there was no money in it’. So I stayed stuck. I knew that I was never fully dedicated to my 9-5 and always daydreamed about what life could be like. 

I am now in that daydream place and my life is better than I had hoped. I get to travel and still stayed connected with my business. I get to work with amazing people all over the world and help them realise their dreams too. I am so grateful for this wonderful life.

Best of all I get to give my Mum her birthday present today that has been crafted by Peruvian woman and hand picked by me. And because I think she will like it, not because it was in my budget.

Big hugs!


Tarantulas, pink dolphins and money talk in the Amazon.


I love travelling because of the people you meet all over the world. I love seeing how people perceive the world and broadening my horizons as I do so. Peru this week is my 54th country and it has still surprised me with it's quirks.

Yes, the Amazon Jungle was impressive with the diverse wildlife. It seemed that everything had super charged teeth or poison; or both. Even the trees were fighting for their space and survival.
What struck me the most while sitting in our mosquito netting covered dinning area was people's perceptions of money. I was casually reading Choose Yourself, Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream, by James Altucher. One of the other guests saw the cover and immediate scoffed at how making millions and being happy was in the same title. 

"As if having that much money makes you happy'. Another girl pipped up saying that money was evil. Then everyone jumped in. 

One bold statement was made that happiness is increased with money until $70,000 and then after that it becomes evil. The theory was stated that up to $70,000 all your essentials were covered, after that you were being greedy. 

I hope you are reading this and can see how obscure this sounds. They were totally convinced too, goading each other on while sitting in a lodge in the Amazon being waited on and relishing in the nature. Not exactly an essential life need yet they were enjoying it.

Do you think money is evil ? 
Do you put a cap your earnings because you believe that people with money are evil? 

If you do have these money thoughts, you are not alone. 

What many don't realise or acknowledge is that having a love for money isn't filthy or greedy. Using the extra earnings you have means you can serve more people with your amazing skills in a more in depth way. The more you earn the more you can develop yourself to the in turn help others with your enhanced knowledge. 

So you see  making millions makes not only you happy but the people around you and your clients too. Sound awesome? I think so too.

Interestingly enough the most prolific girl touting that abundance was evil was also running out of money and heading back to New York to live on a friends couch as she couldn't afford an apartment. This is a total reflection of her attitude to money and mad me think of one of my favourite quotes:

What you seek is seeking you
- Rimi

If she loved and cherished abundance more she would have been able to stay on longer and see the tarantulas at night. Yep, they are big, hairy and very scary!

Much love from the jungle,


Why does hearing your own voice make you cringe?


As I head off to Peru for two weeks I have got my video back and want to share it with you . Everyone has a story and I am super excited to share mine with you.

Check it out!

For me the filming part wasn't scary at all. I felt totally comfortable looking at the camera's and sharing my story with you. What did feel uncomfortable was watching the replay back again and hearing my own voice. Why is hearing your own voice so cringe worthy?

I know I am not alone. It was comforting to find out the very first thing that comes out of anyone's mouth after Oprah interviews them is 'was that good enough?'. Even Beyoncé asked! 

Let me tell you , you are normal. We all have these fears when showing our vulnerable selfs. 

Elizabeth Gilbert sums fear up in such a fantastic way in her book Big Magic. Gilbert describes fear as always present and we shouldn't try to suppress fear. Instead embrace fear and know it will always be along for the ride. Fear can sit in the passenger seat, play with the radio, put the window down; but it can never drive. You are the driver. 

When you are putting yourself outside of the comfort zone by being creative, take your friend fear along with you and see what magic happens.

I hope you love getting to know me more in my video and why I am so passionate about serving the action takers in the health, fitness and wellness world.



Smiles, Clicks and Takes - it's imagery day!


It is like the night before Christmas here. Tomorrow is a big day! I have a photoshoot in the morning and then recording an introductory video in the afternoon. It is all go!
I'm surrounded in pink clothes, have my teeth whitening trays in my mouth and I'm asking the Universe (strongly) that the weather will be OK tomorrow. I am hoping that I magically loose several kilos' overnight too. Yep, I want it all.

I'm super excited to be taking my business to the next level and bringing more imagery alive for you all. I can't wait to start my video series and move into the YouTube platform. Eek! I always wanted to be the weather girl when I was little. So much so I even tried to change my name by de-pole to Penelope as I thought it sounded posher for when I was on TV presenting. 

So, why am I having more photos taken when I already have some on my website you may ask . And why video too? Good questions. I am not insane. There is method in my madness. Honest! Here's why, and why you should look at your own imagery. 
Having images that portray your business and why clients should choose you is extremely important when looking at your branding and website. You need everything to seamlessly work together; words and images. Your website is your handshake in the online world. 
Look at your website as if you were your clients. Does what you are offering match the images? As an example; you're buying a holiday to Italy and the pictures are all of Disneyland. It just wouldn't work right? 

How are your images working for your biz (on not) on your website? 
Video is another way to bring your website 'handshake' alive. Video is all about bringing you, your brand and your services alive. Video is on the rise too as peoples preferred consumption choice. 

YouTube is the third largest website after Google and Facebook as people self-select what they want to watch. Even when it comes to buying a house. Yep, properties for sale advertised with a video have a 400% greater sale rate than those without.
So, what is stopping you ? 

Does your imagery sing about your business and give a firm handshake?
Most of my clients find having photos taken or being on camera a daunting thought. I know I did. Now I can't wait! 
My tip to my clients and to you  is to book a day out of your calendar, get your hair and make-up done (dudes can too!). Be relaxed and enjoy a day of being all about you. Really think about what your clients would resonate with. Most importantly keep your imagery authentic to you and your business. The day will fly by in a flash of smiles. I promise!  
I can't wait to have a fab day and then share the photos and video with you all. 
Send me good weather vibes!

Much love,


Take Time to Celebrate Your Wins


Who takes time to celebrate these days? We would all like to think we do. Yet most of the time we move so fast we barely stop to pat ourselves on the back, let alone open the champagne and truly celebrate.

I know I was guilty of achieving and then thinking “Next!”. I spent nine years training diligently and racing all over the world in an attempt to qualify for the Ironman World Champs. It was a dream of mine to swim in the warm Hawaiian waters, cycle in the winds to Hawi and cross that famous finish line on Ali’i Drive. I chipped away at my dream for nine whole years, trying to perfect the race that would allow me to qualify. It took 18 attempts at the Ironman distance to qualify for the World Champs. When I finally got to Hawaii, it was a magical day. The best day of my life. 

And, yet you know what, I still haven’t celebrated the completion of this nine-year goal. After the race I flew home to New Zealand and ploughed straight back into my business. I had ticked the list. What was next? Perhaps you can relate to this mindset?

Celebrating wins is so important as it creates the reward system that then attracts more abundance into our lives. When we rush on we don’t show true appreciation and gratitude for the situation or achievement. Taking time to stop, and let the achievement sink in, will uplift your spirit to keep moving forward. As a result more wins will come your way.

I learnt the hard way. Several weeks after I got back from Hawaii I came down with a viral infection that had me glued to my bed for three weeks. Something that drove me, and everyone else around me, bonkers. I missed the Manaslu Mountain Trail Race (an eight day running race in Nepal) and my business suffered without me. My clients suffered without me too. All my diligence had not paid off. I hadn't taken the time to be grateful nor celebrated what I already had. Feel yourself nodding to this? A familiar pattern emerging?

So, I encourage you to make a point of celebrating this week. Do it! However big or small the achievement is, raise the roof in celebration. It might be a new client or a new section on your website. You might have developed a new program or managed to get your taxes in order early. Maybe it's a new logo created or you hit your sales target. It could be as simple as being positive every day in your business.

Whatever the achievement is – celebrate it!

Now if you will excuse me I am going to open a bottle of Verve Cliquot and celebrate a fantastic month in my business.

Big hugs,