19. How to scale your business.

19. How to scale your business.

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James loves SIMPLE. Things you can automate, replicate, and most importantly get amazing results with! He knows complex from years of knocking on doors selling his product and selling his time for money as a consultant. One day he woke realizing that all the custom stuff that they were doing for clients just wasn't working and instead only bringing huge expenses. "I didn't know Arthur from Martha, I didn't know how to market it and I didn't know every piece being delivered. So I focused purely on one thing that gets an amazing result and started marketing that.


“ You can't scale custom businesses. They're very difficult to do. Instead focus purely on one thing that gets an amazing result. ”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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Some people will say James is rigid in his approach because he only does “one thing". James believes the opposite to be true. Do one thing and do it RIGHT and the world is at your feet.

[12:45] It's actually ideal, because if you can help people follow up a proven process and you get better at that process over and over again by repeating it, then you get better results. Your clients get better results. Better results get you more clients. More clients mean more money, gives you more freedom, and allows you to hire more people.

[17:43] Learn from me and seek counsel. I'm in a mastermind with people who have so much knowledge and instead of asking them “I want to do this, what do you think", I didn't seek counsel months. Who rather than how. I thought I knew how and I went higher when I should have gone who first and gotten counsel. I would have made a much more logical decision at that point and not overcommit and let some people down. 

[18:41] Do one thing. Over and over again, I see the people with the most success or freedom.... Entrepreneurs want freedom, right? Freedom is just another word for choice. And the people with the most choice often have the simplest thing, the simplest vehicle. They've got the simplest business built around a rich life.

James's message to you is, stop overcomplicating your business. Focus on your strength and create an amazing product around it! Automate and scale and freedom is yours.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow James on Instagram: @thejameskemp

Get James's freebie -The Truth About Consulting

Connect with James on his website: jameskemp.co

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from James today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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