33. Know your Wealth Days with Janine Lowe

33. Know your Wealth Days with Janine Lowe

33. Janine Lowe.png

Want to know what day to launch your new product?

And then what day you just shouldn't get out of bed? 

Well, Janine Lowe reveals all to us in this weeks episode. Leading Chinese Astrologist and Feng Shui consultant to many leading entrepreneurs crushing it in our field she pulls back the curtains on the must know dates for 2021!  Listen in. . . .

Janine is a classically trained Feng Shui consultant in the arts of Bazi, Flying Stars, Auspicious Dates, Qi Men Dun Jia and I Ching; having received training from notable teacher Joey Yap.

Teaching Chinese Metaphysics to individuals and businesses globally, Janine has clientele across diverse industries as well as providing online private consultations and interacting daily with her 300,000 social media followers.


“I always remember quitters never win and winners never quit.”


You’ll get activated in this episode by this….


[10.42] How Janine brought a portfolio of houses based on metaphysics to build her wealth as a solo mum.

[14:12] The trend for 2021 in business and what you MUST be doing to get ahead of another Covid year.

[116:58] Janine gives a sneak preview in to her new book coming called Date, Marry, Avoid - we could all do with that guidebook!

[28:12] How her lowest point drives her forward now. It’s a tear jerker!



Follow Janine on Instagram: @janinelowefengshui

Grab the 2021 Wealth Bundle here >>

If you loved today's episode, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_

If you're like me and want to know what's going to happen in 2021 then jump in and grab the Wealth Bundle %FIRSTNAME% 👆

Just click here - it's £37 - so simple to have such insight and make wise decisions on days that flourish.


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!