21. Confidence and Consistency the two ingredients to an irresistible brand.

21. Confidence and Consistency the two ingredients to an irresistible brand.

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Stylist to the stars, Kelly Lundberg knows all about how to make an entrance. She has taken this knowledge and is now helping women show up more confidently both in their personal lives and as a brand.

Putting social back in social media that is this lady’s true superpower. She translates the power of connection in such a way we can all learn and apply it.


“Confidence for a woman is so important because it has a ripple effect on her entire life”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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Kelly has a unique starting point in business. She convinced the bank she wanted to buy a Porsche and poured the money into driving her business instead! This huge risk led her to always be pushed towards her inevitable success.

[04:27] When you have a child, you become a shell that looks after this human being. You give your soul, you give your blood, you give your minerals, you give absolutely everything, and then when it comes out you then still continue to feed and keep this, this human alive. Some days do just feel like a factory. And then when it comes to anything but that child we start wondering can I really do this? I've been such a shell for so long for someone else who am I being to stand up on a, on a soapbox and say I'm amazing at something.

[06:49] Personal branding, even building your personal brand is not something that happens overnight. It's a consistent investment into all the things that you do.

[08:29] Just engaging with people that for me, is being, Hey, can we have a call? How can I help you? How can I add value? Not everyone necessarily is going to become a client, but I just, as we were talking about before, I love speaking to people and seeing if I can help them. And if I can manage it into my diary, I will do it.

The biggest advice I can give is Google yourself! Not for vanity sakes but what are the results that come up say about you? And are you happy about what it says? If not you can take steps in your branding to change that, but don't wait too long because you might be too late.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Kelly on Instagram: @kellylundbergofficial

Get Kelly's freebie - The 7 Deadly Sins of Building A Personal Brand

Connect with Kelly on her website: kellylundbergofficial.com

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Kelly today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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