Public Speaking

22. No clients, no problem. How to use this extra time to ensure sales.

22. No clients, no problem. How to use this extra time to ensure sales.

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This lady oozes confidence and that's what makes her so successful in selling her high-ticket services. She even believes that having no clients isn't something to stress about, it is a blessing in disguise! More time to market and get your sh*t together she reckons. So many gold nuggets in this episode you do not want to miss.


“Elevate their experience, even though you serve small businesses, it doesn’t mean you have to give small service.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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Ashley knows what she's worth! And from this understanding she runs her business and her team. She isn't afraid to ask for the $$$ because she also knows that what her clients are getting is nothing short of the best.

[02:53] I'm always thinking about creative strategies to reengage our current clients and also bring in new clients because there's typically a lot of opportunity with the current clients that you have. So a lot of what we do after we get a client is okay, what all can we learn about them? And how can we automate client touch? So we want to know all their birthdays. We want to know their anniversary. We want to have it automated so that they get a card from us in the mail or something.

[06:27] A lot of people give up too soon. So we'll try something for a month and we won't get any clients. And we're like, Oh, well then I have to switch course. No, you have to be consistent. And in the online space, it's a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs that pop up every day. So people don't really know if you're legit, unless you dig in deep and keep putting out content every single day. If you're not getting clients, that means you have more time to market

[11:14] It's gonna pay off, just keep your foot on the gas. Because if you make $1, you can make a hundred. If you make a hundred, you can make a thousand, you make a thousand, you can make a million. It's just a matter of the different strategies you implement at each level of the makeup.

When you're just starting your business, the hardest thing to do is to take yourself out of that mindset of desperation. You cannot sell from a desperate place. No one is looking to hire as service provider that's desperate. So the sale, all of that doesn't work because if I'm hiring you, it's because you have something that I don't have. You have something that I want, whether it's legal services, knowledge or anything else. But if you're selling from a place of desperation, I can't see the solution.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Ashley on Instagram: @theashleynicoleshow

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