Are You Building an Empire or a Pop-Up Shop?


I want to talk to you about whether you’re building an empire or a pop-up shop. I get this a lot when I'm at speaking engagements or when my clients say things like, "Oh, it takes so long," or, "I just want to quit.”


If you’re thinking, "Oh I've tried this, and I just want to quit," you're creating a pop-up shop.


If you’re thinking, "Okay, so business has highs and lows," which it does, then you are creating an empire.


Now what would you rather? Create a pop-up shop, make some quick cash, and then be back to square one again? Or would you like to create an empire that you can live off and live in for the rest of your lives? It's up to you.


I'm thinking most of you think that a pop-up shop will probably solve your problems right now and bring some money in. Awesome. But, creating pop-up shop after pop-up shop after pop-up shop is very exhausting. It's much better to create the empire and stick at it.


The lesson from today is to make sure that you stick at your bread and butter. That you know that business goes like this the whole way and that some days are going to be great and some days are going to suck, but if you're building an empire you're going to stick at it.


You know what? I believe in you so believe in yourself, too. Remember, you're only one sale away from the rich and relaxed lifestyle.


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P. S. Prefer videos? Catch up on all my latest biz tips by subscribing to Money Penny TV on Youtube! ]