28. What I have learned on this journey... CELEBRATION EPISODE!

28. What I have learned on this journey…


What I learned from pooing on someone's driveway because I couldn't make it to the porter potty? The importance of good support!

And I don't mean wearing nappies on race day…

I mean getting a coach to keep my mind from going insane 6 hours into my cycle, a nutritionist to make me fuel my body properly, and most importantly a community to hold me accountable and keep me on track.

Today I share how all these lessons I have learned in training have helped me so much in my journey as an entrepreneur and why I truly value continuous coaching so much.


“You NEED to work on your mindset. Because some days your business is just bloody boring and other days it's bloody hard!”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

Penny Elliott

[07:12] He'd been a professional athlete before and trained and coached people for years and years. And that took all of the thought processes out of it. I just got given the program every week and I just had to follow it and just having to follow it was actually enough for my brain to cope with and all these new moving pieces and bits and puzzles, then having that support group around me and accountability means that I stayed consistent.

[14:24] It was all down to the fact that I didn't get a coach. I hadn't had surrounded myself with those people to make it an enjoyable experience. Both during the training and on race day, I hadn't stuck to a nutritional plan,

like a plan of business, a plan of attack. I hadn't stuck to what I knew worked for me and I hadn't done my mindset work.

[15:01] So why in business as it, that people chop and change chop and change all over the shop floor and don't stick to one plan. And I think that's why we've got 98% success rate and 60 Days to $3K, because we give you ONE formula.

I want to give you a bit of a breather! If you are not seeing the results currently don't beat yourself up too much. If you doing all doing courses at the moment, dabbling a bit in this and a bit in that, getting super overwhelmed and unmotivated "having to do it all” but not seeing any results for all your hard work… Take a breath!

What is keeping you from getting results is that you haven't got the accountability, it's not the right fit and you probably not surrounding yourself with the right people.

But that's all about to change… When you enroll in my highly successful 60 Days to $3k program below.



Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved today's episode, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_

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