26. It is time to stop hiding and rewrite your story!

26. It is time to stop hiding and rewrite your story!

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For the longest time, I told myself I couldn't be one of the biggest coaches in the industry because I didn't have a 'rags to riches’ sob story. Sounds crazy right?!

Like me staying in my marriage for way longer than I should, it was the stories that I kept telling myself over and over again that prevented me to created something MORE, something BETTER.

Today I am ready to honestly and openly share some of the biggest lesson I had to learn in order for me to grow, not only as an entrepreneur but also in my capacity as a co-parenting mumma and even as an athlete, can you believe it!


“There's nothing worse than reading a book, listen to a podcast, or going to a live event and going home with all the greatest intentions and not doing anything about it.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

Penny Elliott

What is keeping you stuck? What is holding you back from the kick*ss entrepreneur you know you can be? And most importantly what stories are you telling yourself you need to call BS on?

[05:22] I have to change my thought patterns to be able to get out of this and not think that by asking my husband to leave, I was going to be some broke ass mama living in a one bedroom apartment, which is what I always thought that would happen. And the worst! looked upon pitifully by other mothers.

[06:51] I surrounded myself with people and knowledge that there could be a different story that I could write for myself and went for it. By changing my thought patterns and being committed to a new story, I was able to rewrite my life

[10:15] You can also do that in your business. You can go from having zero very few clients with very few sales to having multiple sales or multiple clients or multiple six figure business. What you need to start doing though is start showing up as the person you want to become TODAY.

I want to help YOU get there. To be able rewrite these stories that have kept you stuck so that you can create the income that you want and be able to say ‘I am a successful business owner' not just a hobbyist hustling away her evening hours on the side. The only way I can help you though is when you decide to show up as that 6 figure CEO and decide to invest in yourself.



Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved today's episode, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_

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